Sunday, January 20, 2013

Confessions of a Mac 'n Cheez junkie

So, I've been going to the gym pretty regularly and eating pretty well. But last night and all through yesterday I made some poor choices and ate very badly. So I need to double my efforts to not eat so much pre-made crap.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday January 5th

Did well with juice and sensible food choices. Down to 301.8 according to the scale at the gym.

Here I am as if today

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Boo boos and a restart.

So the first day of the year started out good but then I let myself get too hungry prior to going shopping for veggies. Suffice it to say I chose poorly and the day kinda collapsed.

Today is a new day and I am starting up where I left off. Two juices for the early part of the day and a light salad at lunch. Some almonds for a snack and a juice with protein before my afternoon workout.

Onward ho!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolution time.

So, gentle folks (you know who you are). I have come to this conclusion. If my New Years resolution is to get healthier I need to clear all the clutter that bogs me down.

Food, clothes…all those things that keep me from my inner peace.

If you have tips or wanna help me, well you know how to find me.

Friday, December 28, 2012


Drank 2 juices today then a bowl of chicken pho'. Shopped for fruits and veggies for Brian and I to juice. Mmmm dragon fruit.

I think I want to work up to a 5K run.

Gym time

Getting ready to go to the gym after work. I'll be there for a while. Yay sweating

Friday, December 28

Today I had a breakfast juice and some coffee. The juice was made by Brian. I have another juice to drink later. After work I'm going to go to the gym and do some cardio. Then it's a protein drink and a sensible dinner.

Oh, when I weighed in at the gym last night I was 304.2. :( Too many sweets and fatty foods over Christmas.

Onward and downward to a lighter 2013